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LlamaMarket is a powerful botbase designed to Sell and Buy things on the FFXIV MarketBoard.

Quick Start


The video below is from the old UI, but most of the information still applies.


  1. Download the latest version by following the link here.
  2. On the .zip file, right click > Properties > Unblock > Apply.
  3. Unzip all contents into RebornBuddy\BotBases\ so it looks like this:
└── BotBases
    └── LlamaRP
        ├── LlamaAuth.dll
        ├── LlamaMarket_WPF.dll
        ├── LlamaMarket_WPFLoader.cs
        ├── Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll
        └── Version.txt


This feature of the bot is designed to sell items on the MarketBoard. For a full list of features and settings see LlamaMarket Selling


This feature of the bot is designed to travel between servers on your DC and buy the requested items from MarketBoard. For a full list of features and settings see LlamaMarket Buying